good things take time.


Time is waiting no one.

Quotes about time, Don't lose any minute on your lifetime you will know one day how it was opportunity for you.

● Doesn't matter how many times you've broken down. It's about how you stand up and move forward.

● Don't rush anything. When the time is right, it'll happen.

● We all at certain times in our lives find ourselves broken. True strength is found in picking up the pieces.

● Good things take time.

● Most people spend their time trying to find someone to sleep with, instead of finding someone worth waking up to.

● Most people aren't worth the time or energy.

● The good times become great memories. The bad times become great lessons.

● No matter how busy a person is, if they really care, they'll always find time for you.

● Take time to is the singing that helps with life's loads.

● Take time to is the foundation of knowledge.

● Take time to is the source of power.

● The people who have the biggest impact On your life stay for the shortest time.

● Tough times create tough people

● Some people wait for a miracle to start living their lives happily. Others, use that time and create the miracle themselves.

● There are some things in life that aren't meant to last. They just take place in our lives so we will be smarter next time.

● Every time you can't find a reason to keep on living, remember there are people who would give anything to be in your place…

● The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot.

● The only time we are truly ourselves is when we are alone.

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